About Master Ken Smith
My name is Ken Smith. Professionally, I am known as “Master Ken” because I hold a 7th-degree black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I am also a Master instructor in Qi Gong, T’ai Chi, and Meditation. My wife, Carolyn is a 5th-degree black belt, and our two adult daughters are also black belts. I have been studying for roughly 40 years.
I was born and raised in Massachusetts. I came to the martial arts in a rather roundabout way. Originally, I was a USPTA tennis professional. I became interested in martial arts in the early 1980s with the goal of improving my tennis game. But I realized very quickly that the value of the martial arts far exceeded the bounds of an improved tennis game: in fact, I found it to be boundless.
It started to change my life, so I began to train in earnest.
But once I became a 3rd-degree black belt, I began to realize that my focus and my interest were shifting toward broader, more humanistic, and healing questions and goals, specifically:
“What helped us more as human beings? Self-defense or personal insight?”
This led me to explore the original intention of martial arts and its links with T'ai chi, Qi Gong, and meditation, and to see just how these practices might help overall health and well-being.
I then began studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu massage, and acupuncture theory and immediately saw the link between eastern medicine, martial arts, and meditation. The benefits to those of us in the West were undeniable. It was one more excellent tool in the individual toolboxes we all create to keep ourselves healthy and happy.
In addition to self-defense classes, I began to hold classes for an assortment of challenges. For those struggling with depression and anxiety, Parkinsons, and arthritis, just to name a few, I focused on a more holistic approach to “wellbeing.”
Sadly, when the Covid pandemic hit, I was compelled to close my physical school. But I continued to teach online and now, I see private students only.
I have naturally continued to educate myself in these areas and I share all I learn with others.
Hi, I'm Master Ken Smith
I love cooking, cooking is how I express my joy in life. I always find the time to enjoy the sweeter things in life and that for me is cooking, playing tennis, practicing some sort of martial art, and playing with my German Shepard, Theodore.